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Archive for 2015

What I learned in 24,000 Steps last Thursday

Without wishing to sound too much like an old relic, the last time I pounded the streets of Soho with such fervour was in 1986.
I was looking for my first job in commercials and spent the
best part of six months walking from door to door, talking to anyone...

Share - Learn - Build

One of the most amazing things about the internet is its ability to build itself. Not in a ghastly 'Skynet' way, but simply by providing its human creators with the ability to easily share information, learn how to do things better and then build on other people's experience.
Years ago,...

How did we get here?

After years of planning, waiting, more planning, hoping and more waiting, the first version of Indibook now exists and it works really well.
It's hard to believe how fast things have turned around in the last few months, largely thanks to my original business partners who I first approached...